Kragujevac - Batocina timetable
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
Bus stationZel. stanica
Days of service: business days.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: business days.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
GrosnicaRailway station
Days of service: every day.

Bus stationBus station
Days of service: business days.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
Bus stationRampa
Days of service: business days, Sunday.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday.
Bus stationBus station
Days of service: every day.
GrosnicaRailway station
Days of service: business days.

The settlements of Kragujevac and Batocina are ~27 km apart. The journey between these two places takes the shortest 15min., and the longest 01h i 20min., depending on the carrier. A total of 7 carriers perform transportation on this route. The first departure from Kragujevac station is at 04:15 h, while the last departure is at 21:22 h, for the requested date. The price of the ticket for the route Kragujevac - Batocina is from 1,81 EUR to 1,85 EUR.